Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Snowy Plover Run-Swim-Run: Amended, Edited and Reshaped

Dateline: Sat., Sept, 21, 2013

The previously contemplated run-swim-run workout is being edited and reshaped.  It has been brought to my attention that a few concerned citizens in the past several days have expressed concern that the contemplated workout would adversely impact the snowy plovers inside the Snowy Plover Protection Area (SPPA), even though the contemplated courses were outside of the SPPA and in areas on the beach open to the public.  

Nevertheless, in an effort to mitigate the concerns expressed, I have deleted the previously posted photo, the contemplated workout courses, and the posted schematic.

A new course will be set up in a public area on the beach and away from the Snowy Plover Protection Area on the beach in Santa Monica.  I may even set up the workout outside the City of Santa Monica.

I am retaining the name, "The Snowy Plover Run-Swim-Run", however. 

For the record, we know of no one who even participated in the originally contemplated workout previously posted.

Until next time.....

Will Maguire, Editor
"County Recurrent" News

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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