Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer 2013 Will Rogers JG Reconn

Dateline:  Tuesday, July 2, 2013, at approx. 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Where:  Will Rogers State Beach at Lifeguard Tower #15
What:  Select Photos of the Will Rogers Junior Lifeguards and JG Instructors In Action...

buoy swim...

JG "A's" exiting surf thru inshore holes at conclusion of 3rd buoy swim...
JG Instructor counseling jg's on the inshore holes...
C's resting after another buoy swim...

washed up superhero adjacent to wrhq jetty...

These kids (all of em, from C's to B's to A's to Cadets) were getting alot of exercise with multiple buoy swims, one after the other, under the watchful eyes of their JG Instructors and getting plenty of encouragement, support and tips on ocean safety.  Our reconn/visit also included a couple of buoy swims of our own and some shouts of encouragement to the C's as they swam and right shouldered the two buoys just at the outer edge of the surf line.  Impressive "in the water" supervision by the JG Instructors too with 3 swimming and one on a paddleboard from start to finish.



"County Recurrent" News

(all Photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013.)

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