Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pete Accardy, R.I.P.

For many years, Pete Accardy, was the Swim Team Coach at C.S.U. Northridge and he was responsible for making fast so many swimmers who later became L.A. County Ocean Lifeguards. 

We have been asked by a couple of Pete's swimmers and lifeguards to post the link to the CSUN tribute online.  Many thanks to Michel Lee Hampton for forwarding the following quote and link!

From CSUN:

"Pete Accardy, one of the great figures in the history of California State University, Northridge’s athletics program, passed away on July 13 after battling cancer. Accardy won several national titles as CSUN swim coach during his 24 years on the Northridge campus, and in 1982 became the first coach in NCAA history to win national championships in the same season in two sports (men’s and women’s swimming)."


Rest in peace, Pete.


Respectfully submitted,

"County Recurrent" News

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