Saturday, July 6, 2013

July Fourth and Fifth...

Dateline: Will Rogers North, Santa Monica South and a trace of Santa Monica North...

July 4th, 2013:

The lone paddler... who could it be?!...

Recognize the form and fitness?...

Rookie watching the water and admiring the form of the mystery paddler before her shift...

The mystery paddler is identified!

Check out these two stud LACo Lifeguards!  L2R:  OL Barry Snyder and OLS Bill Mount!

1200 hrs, July 4th at Will Rogers Tower #2, the view...

The view from Will Rogers Tower #1 at approx. 4:30 pm...

Late afternoon paddle after work for OL Barry Snyder on his route to TPS to visit his brother...

LACo Fire Dept. Helicopter on patrol...

Last patrol of the beach at 8 pm...


Friday, July 5th... Santa Monica South and a bit of North... off duty reconn...

Close-up, OL Justin Kirby sweeping his ramp as part of his opening procedures at 12 noon at SMS Tower #17... AND still "watching the water"!!! 

Then we ventured on down to the Engine Room of SMS... Tower #26...
L2R: OLS Eric Wylie and OL Marco Rodriguez

We then did a buoy swim at T-26 and headed back toward the Santa Monica Pier...

At T-24 we waved hi to OL Lacey Beattie!

nearing the pier we again encountered OL Justin Kirby at T-27 making preventions and ordinance enforcements...

Prevention in progress... those two teenage girls at right are sharing a body board and are in an inshore hole with a developing rip current...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

"OL Justin Kirby Making Preventions: The Video"

Meanwhile, backing up Justin and standing by at T-17... Veteran OL Taylor Manuel "watching the water"!


And then we decided to head over to the dark side, er, to Santa Monica North and visit the crew at SMN 1550 where we figured we would find the Mayor of 1550, Veteran OL Gabe Campos, and his homeboys, Hale, Whitmore, Ro, et al...

Below, the Mayor of SMN 1550 and 15, Veteran LACo OL, Gabe Campos.  It goes without saying, but heck we are going to say it anyways... "Without Gabe Supervising and Guarding this area it would not be as effectively managed, supervised and guarded!"  Go check out the Gabe Campos designed vehicle access cone, rope, and fencing that runs from the berm back to the deep sand way behind 1550!  Plus Gabe has the respect of the largely Latino patrons and he is bilingual.  For example, one day at 1550 I was up on the deck with the bullhorn trying to get a couple of kids out of knee deep water near the pier and inside the buoy line and Gabe, on a foot patrol from SMN 15, comes up the ramp, grabs the bullhorn and asks the kids to leave (in English) and then repeats the command in Spanish... whereupon they immediately turned around and returned to shore.  When Gabe pounds the sand on foot patrols his head is on a swivel and he is watching everything because there are potential problems both in the water and on the sand and his smiling face welcomes all those who seek information or assistance.  Well done, Gabe!

An even better example of Gabe's influence and experience is when a recent massive body recovery effort (surface dives by guards, dive team, two Baywatch rescue boats, plus a Fire Dept. Helicopter above) at 1550 turned out to be a false flag, as it were, when 45 minutes later as Gabe was on a foot patrol out of SMN Tower #15, noticed a man in knee deep water hanging onto the 1550 buoy line and laughing and playing in the surf and who was completely oblivious to the ongoing recovery effort nearby... and who was apparently very drunk... and who looked alot like the description given of the missing man... turns out that was the guy!...  concluding the body recovery effort on a very positive note.  Well done, Gabe!

Tony's New Cuban Tattoo!... Love it!

Below, The Boys of Summer at 1550:  L2R, Gabe, Tony and Darryl



(All photos & video by Will Maguire 2013.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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