Sunday, June 9, 2013

Faces In The Crowd...

Dateline: Sat., June 8, 2013

Venue:  The 2013 Santa Monica Pier Paddleboard Race & Ocean Festival

People..... Swimmers, Parents, Lifeguards, Kids, Teenagers, Volunteers, Race Staff, Family, Friends... The Faces In The Crowd.  What a Fantastic Event and this short blog post hopes to capture a bit of the fun and adventure shared by so many people yesterday at the beach just south of the Santa Monica Pier.  We hope you enjoy these photos.  It was a very special day of fun in the sun and in the ocean with warm water temps and Humongous Surf!

Hi Honey, I'm on my way home right now and I got us something to drink...


(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013.  All Rights Reserved.)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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