Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Panga In The Moonlight...", by Todd Ribera

"Panga In The Moonlight"... Photo by Todd Ribera.

Urban, er, lifeguard legend has it that it's not summer until a panga full of dope beaches itself somewhere on our So. California shores.  So what kind of summer is it going to be?... Well, the water is already warm and the first full moon brought us a boatload of Mary J Yuana!...  so it appears that it is going to be one busy summer and thankfully we will have a bunch of rookies to help us out, which our 4th year rookies are happier about than any of the rest of us...

In any event, in a multi-agency response, the Southern Section Call Car responded and OLS Todd Ribera posted that a 32' - 36' panga was found on the beach at El Porto very early this morning. In fact, LACo Lifeguards converged in force according to Tex who indicated that "both call car crews and Baywatch Del Rey were there too." And check out, as one (anonymous and uninvolved) Baywatch Rescue Boat Captain called it, quite a romantic shot (above) of the subject panga at low tide in the full moon light!...  Cue Perry Como!...


(All photos by & Copyright Todd Ribera 2013.  Used here with permission.)

*** Many Thanks to Tex for sharing this story of a successful multi-agency drug bust, as well as his great photos! ***


Additional Reference Material/Info/Photos:




Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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