Sunday, May 19, 2013

Herb Thacker's Night Time Triple Rescue At WRHQ!...

LACo OL, Adrian Crook, recently mentioned a triple rescue by Herb Thacker one night just after 8 pm at Will Rogers Lifeguard Headquarters "back in the day" on July 17, 1974!...  AND  we just had to share it with you all!

In a scrapbook that Adrian's mom kept, she saved an article from the Evening Outlook, which was the daily newspaper in Santa Monica at the time. 

We are hoping that Adrian will put pen to paper so that we can have his account of how he and lifeguard pal, Russ Frykman, on their way up to WRHQ to meet Herb after work came upon this rescue in progress...  In the meantime, hopefully the newspaper article itself will tell the story to
your collective and individual satisfaction.

Good timing, Adrian and Russ!

*** Thanks to Adrian and his mom for saving & sharing this great rescue story with all of us ! ***


"County Recurrent" News

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