Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Academy Day at Zuma 2013", by LACo OL, Steve Hotchkiss

Dateline:  Zuma Beach, Sunday, May 26th, 2013

Re:  LACo Lifeguard Academy 2013 (aka, Rookie School) Day At Zuma !

Photos and commentary by LACo OL Steve Hotchkiss, who took these photos while off duty.

Per Steve:  "Just got some shots of this year's first Academy group at Zuma.  Should be a good day for them later when they get a little time in the tower.  With the swell from earlier in the week we still have some lively water and good rips up and down the beach.  Please use any of the photos you like."

and some enhanced close ups of the above photos are included below:

Also, per Steve:  "Watching the Physical training today brought back many good memories.  We have some very serious, mature candidates in the academy.  Hopefully, we get some of them in Northern Section.  I look forward to working along side them."

Steve Hotchkiss
Hotchkiss & Associates Landscape Contracting Inc.


Fantastic!  Thanks very much, Steve!

(All photos by & Copyright Steve Hotchkiss 2013.  All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission.)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Zuma HQ. Photo by & Copyr. Will Maguire 2011.

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

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