Friday, May 31, 2013

2013 OL Recheck Buoy Swim Reconn...

Highland & Rosecrans: Gateway to Manhattan Beach

Dateline:  0930 hrs, approx., Friday, May 31, 2013
Venue:  LACo Lifeguard Training Center, Manhattan Beach, Calif.

Re:  OL Recheck Buoy Swim Course Reconnaissance....

It's a Fair Distance.  It's the standard distance that has customarily been set over the years at the Training Center.  Lots of deep inshore holes.  A bit of surface diving and dolphining and then you start swimming.  On way back in the bigger outside sets of waves will carry you in a fair distance but will level off and dissipate upon reaching the inshore holes leaving you with 40 plus yards still to swim before you can touch bottom and start hoofing it to the finish line.

Capt. Eugene Atanasio is the Training Center Captain and has set a fair course.  Get on down there on a day off and swim the course.

The water is warm too!  According to So. Section/Manhattan Beach OLS, Ivan Wilkins, the water temp was 68 degrees this morning!

And in advance of the 2nd pod of 2013 Rookies, who will start Rookie School (aka, the Training Academy) tomorrow, the Training Staff got busy on a dozen donuts between meetings and workouts...


10-4, copy that !...

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2013.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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