Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Trails, Chief Frazer!

Dateline:  Thursday, December 6, 2012

Re:  Farewell note from LACo Lifeguard Chief Mike Frazer

Comment:  Chief Frazer asked us to publish his farewell remarks as he embarks on the next adventures of his life in retirement.  Enclosed below is Mike's Letter:


December 6, 2012




I would like to thank everyone in this organization, past and present, for an amazing career. I have been blessed to have had a rewarding profession that I truly enjoy and appreciate. I am incredibly grateful to all the LA County Lifeguards that worked so hard to make us the best lifeguard agency in the world.

I have also been fortunate enough to work beside remarkable individuals that consistently demonstrated so much enthusiasm for the profession of lifeguarding. Throughout my career, I have witnessed individual commitment became collective achievement. Together as a team, the LA County Lifeguards have made great strides in public safety and professionalizing marine safety.

I was also blessed with great mentors that coached and encouraged me to be my best. I hope that I was able to pay it forward by mentoring others. My mentors taught me to be principled, maintain core values and traditions, be compassionate towards others, and most importantly, stay focused on beach and ocean safety. I stayed true to those values, and I would encourage others to also “stand up for what you believe in”. I am leaving the organization encouraged by the possibilities of the future. I’m confident the upcoming generation of lifeguards will maintain our traditions and exemplary public service record.

My heart will always be with this organization. I am so proud to have been a part of your team. I lived my dream! I will truly miss my second family, and I wish you all the best.


Happy Trails, Chief!  You've accomplished much on behalf of our Lifeguard Service and we are very grateful for your commitment, enthusiasm and leadership.

Summer 1988; L2R: Mike Frazer, Fernando Boiteux, Dan Atkins, Dick Orr, Ralph Lee and Sam Bertolet
Mike Frazer and some No. Section Recurrent...  ok, its Veteran OL-Lawyer, Kevin McVerry; on the occasion of Nikki Hudson's Retirement Party in Malibu, a couple of years ago
"Chief-Captain-Chief".  Circa 2010, L2R: Chief Don Rohrer (Ret.), Capt. Nick Steers (Ret.) and Chief Mike Frazer
Chief Mike Frazer, at left, on scene at the recent Oct. 13, 2012 LACo Lifeguard Rookie Swim Test; we're not sure who that is that he is talking to in the middle with his back to the camera..... ok, its a No. Section Recurrent who produced some show about beach lifeguards a few years ago, what was it called.....

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire.  All Rights Reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.)

10-4, Chief Frazer is 10-7.


Until next time.....

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