Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rookie Swim Test 2012!

It's almost here!  It's been 4 years since the last rookie swim test in Sept. 2008!  Wow!  Over 300 applicants will hit the surf this Saturday, October 13, 2012 at sometime after their 0700 hrs check-in
at Santa Monica Lifeguard Headquarters.
2008 Rookie Swim Test, Starting Line...

Shotgun start!...  2008 Rookie Swim Test.

Recognize this successful rookie swimmer, an early finisher, from "back in the day"?!  Woo  Hoo!...

 And after several years on the job, you too can work out on duty or off and hang out at the beach like these veteran LACo OLS' below.

Santa Monica South, L2R: Capt. Kirk Thomas, OLS Patrick O'Neil and OLS Todd "Tex" Ribera
And we understand there will be quite a few 'second generation' lifeguard family members taking the test this weekend, including but not limited to, Ryan Makuta, a couple of Contarsy's, an Inscore, Jay Hopkins nephew, and others.  Good luck, youngsters!


(All photos by Will Maguire, except the rookie shot from "back in the day" which we previously posted with permission from the guard in the photo... just sayin'...)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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