Monday, September 17, 2012

Lt. Richard "Dick" Heineman: R.I.P.

The Memorial Service for Dick Heinman has just been announced, as follows:

Just in from Section Chief JD "Jon" Moryl (Ret.); Re: Lt. Dick Heineman Memorial Service:
    From:     Jon Moryl     Subject:     Richard Heineman Memorial
    Date:     September 23, 2012 9:17:18 PM PDT

Hi Will,

Here's the dope.... 
Saturday, 29 September at 0900 hrs., Ave 23 in Venice.


*** note: adjacent parking lot at end of Venice Blvd. Ave-23 Tower out front of Venice Lifeguard HQ.

Link to Article regarding Dick Heineman in Culver City Patch:

Link to Article about Dick Heineman in Santa Monica Mirror:


Sept. 17, 2012

Another Passing...

We received notice (below) this morning from (Ret.) Section Chief, Jon Moryl, of the passing of Dick Heineman.
Lt. Dick Heineman, at center; and flanked by OL Darell Willey, at left; and Section Chief (Ret.) Jon Moryl, at right

"It is with much regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of Lt. Richard "Dick" Heineman.  He passed away Saturday evening; he had been hospitalized for awhile.  He will missed by all who worked with him.  Dick was the long time Ops lieutenant at SMHQ and retired just prior to the LACOFD merger in 1994.

I will give you more details as they come..."

Jon Moryl


We located two more photographs from the recent past of Dick at Lifeguard Functions and with lifeguard pals.
"Heineman & Overmire, LLP".  L2R, Dick Heineman and Tom Overmire. 

"Rogue's Gallery".  L2R:  Tom Overmire, Greg Bonann, Jimmy Doman, Adrian Crook, Bill Powers and Dick Heineman.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends and loved ones of Dick Heineman.

Many thanks as well to Jon Moryl for posting us and keeping us advised so that we can convey our condolences and keep our lifeguard family in the loop.  Details as to the memorial service will be forthcoming as we hear of them.


"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

*** PLEASE forward to other Recurrents, past and present, so that we can add them to our mailing list. ***

note:  All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire.

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1 comment:

  1. From Veteran L.A.City/LACo Recurrent (Ret.), Jeff McConnel:

    "Aloha Dick,

    Thanks for putting up with my constant calls for work as a rookie in the fall/winter of 68, fairly sure I would not have been scheduled if it weren't for you eventually responding. I believe my first scheduled day with Ed Perry
    on "Vittoria" was one of those times....thanks for something that eventually changed my life's course...Aloha and mahalo. Jeff McConnel"
