Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"All Hands On Deck!... With FINS !!!..."

("Zuma Beach With Fins".  Photo by & Copyright 2010 Will Maguire.)

Heads up!  Update!  August 30th:  Just in from Robert Janis, OLS (Ret.), aka, "BJ", from Northern Section:   


I get all my surf forecast information from

If their forecast holds with two south swells converging on Saturday and Sunday, with full moon high/low tides,ocean temp at zuma is 65, holiday weekend, it may be the "perfect storm"

In addition with the full moon high tides and big surf, there could be beach erosion.

I'll get some digitals of big zuma and send them on to you.



*** 10-4,  Thanks BJ!  ***


Woo Hoo! and others are predicting four to six foot (4' - 6') surf by this Friday, August 31, 2012 in both Santa Monica and Venice.  Twelve Foot Faces at the Avenues, the Venice Pier, Ocean Park, etc. !   Sorry Torrance, Redondo, and Lomita Beach... you'all ain't gonna get any of this swell, so pack up your boards and head west and come on up to Central Section and get some of this, including all you 4th year Southern Section Rookies!  :-)

Pack your Fins!... cuz it looks like Summer 2012 is going to go out with a Bang and a Cowabunga!...

And just to get you pumped up even further, we once again share with you all the spectacular photo by LACo OL Nathalie Brouwer (Ret.) of the dynamic southern swell that smacked into the Venice Pier in late July 2009, and which was featured in an earlier blog post about that '09 Swell at: 

(Photo above by & Copyright Nathalie Brouwer, Friday, July 24, 2009, shows the Venice Pier under siege by the Summer Storm Surf that barreled it's way across the Pacific Ocean and over 4,000 nautical miles driven by wind).

*** Thanks again, Nathalie!  ***


Be careful out there!... and wear your Fins!

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News
("Be Prepared".  Photo by & Copyright Will Maguire 2012.)

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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1 comment:

  1. Thinking of big surf and fins, i picked up a Southwest crew the other night. As i was putting the Captain's bags in the van, i noticed he had a pair of orange Duckfeet stuffed into the outside pocket. On the top of his bag was a little plastic SLI can. You don't see those two items together in Spokane,WA at all. Hell it took three weeks to get the pool lifeguards here to properly take care of their LG tubes.

    Well, the Captain, whose name is Jim Reid, told me that he and his three sons keep up their LG cert in Hilo for the Summer sessions. that way, when they go home, they can hang out and get paid for sitting on the beach (he didn't put it like that, but...).

    He was raised in Florida, but moved to Hilo when he was eight; started lifeguarding when he was sixteen. We shared some stories later about the Big Island, lifeguarding, and the beach way of life.
