Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012 CSLSA Regionals Report, by Adam Sandler

Regionals venue, announcer's stand under the American flag, and the finish line (checkered flag).

In an exclusive report with "County Recurrent", Media Dude/Paddler/Lifeguard, Adam Sandler, reports as follows:

A big "Well Done" should go out to the LACoLA Surf Racing Team (SRT) for its decisive win of the California Surf Lifesaving Championships last Saturday in Newport Beach. The LACoLA Team scored a whopping 894.05 points overall, while the second place agency, California State Parks scored 313.81. Big individual winners included Taylor Spivey, who was the Women's points leader with 82. Taylor also finished first in 8 events, the most of any competitor.  Tandis Morgan, who also won this year's Ironwoman title, was second with 73 points.
 Capt. Chris Linkletter finishes Board Race

 Tandis Morgan, Taylor Spivey (submerged) and Linkletter compete in Open Womens Rescue Race. Photo by Susan Hoffman. Used here with permission.

Taylor Spivey finishing Board Race

Marine Firefighting Instructor and Baywatch relief Captain/Paramedic Rob Pelkey won top honors among the men with 53 points and 4 first places finishes, the most of any male competitor. He was also was the Ironman this year, a title typically held by Brian Murphy, but Brian was in Hawaii competing in the Molokai to Oahu 32 mile paddle. (Alison Riddle and Mike Murphy also tackled the paddle in the stock SUP).

The Lifesaving Victoria team visiting LA to compete in the Wieland Shield contest on Friday and Saturday (Aug. 3rd & 4th), showed their considerable surf racing mettle by taking first place in a number of events. However, their firsts were not officially scored, and the second place finisher was awarded the first place points.  David Cartlidge and Tom Seth won the three lap surfboat race. And our friend, Eldin Onsgard competed in every event, and was likely the oldest competitor at the Regionals. Eldin also was the 60-64 age group Ironman.

Victoria Lifesavers Brad Cummins and Russ Goulding at Open Board Race start
Eldin finishing Board Race

Though Newport is known for its balmy ocean temperature running in the upper '60s to low '70s in the summer, the water temperature was a chilly 59/60 degrees thanks to a howling wind the night before and an upwelling of cold water.

The day before on Friday, the CSLSA Junior Guard Championships was a sight to behold with over 2,500 people crowding the sand and hard pack. It was awesome to see the kids, from ages 9-17, compete with such enthusiasm which was matched by the cheering parents and friends. As a paddler, it's also a hoot to see the younger kids grab a rescue board and paddle with such aplomb. And some of the kids in the AA group (16-17) were as good as the adult guards.
Junior Guard competitor Johnny Remlinger speaks with ABC

A Shout Out should go to CSLSA JG co-chairs and LACoLA OL's Reenie Boyer and Lori Walton for doing such a good job organizing it all.

The event nabbed a good amount of coverage on Fri. and Sat; The OC Register, Daily Breeze, Daily Pilot, Long Beach Press Telegram and LA Times all did stories and/or photos. Plus, several of the AOL Patch's like the Newport Beach Patch and Belmont Shore did postings both days. Plus, most of the TV Channels were there. Fox 11 flew over at the start of JGs and did a live "hover" report, and ABC-7 hit the sand and spoke with Jay Butki and some kids. This week, Pelkey was profiled in the OC Register, and in today’s The Beach Reporter Cartlidge and Spivey are profiled.
CSLSA Competition Chair, Baywatch Captain Jay Butki speaks with ABC

Also, a film crew from the Weather Channel show “Lifeguard!” was on hand capturing the action for a future episode.
Film crew from "Lifeguard!" show capturing action for future episode

The SRT heads to Cape May, NJ next week Aug. 8-11, for the USLA National Competition.

Links to some of the media included below:,0,2491557.photogallery


All photos by & Copyright Adam Sandler 2012, unless otherwise indicated.

Many Thanks to Adam for his exceptional report and photos! 


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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