Friday, May 18, 2012

"MOVIE JOB!"... Starring OLS, Todd "Tex" Ribera

Dateline: Thursday, May 17, 2012, just north of the Santa Monica Pier.

"County Recurrent" was patrolling the Santa Monica Pier last nite just before sunset, off duty, and noticed a film shoot going on at water's edge with a couple of actors just a few steps into the ocean.  Noticing this fact, we scanned the beach looking for the LACo Lifeguard who scored the "Movie Job" because, after all, there must be a lifeguard on duty and on scene at all times during a film shoot that includes water work.  And who do we see...  none other than one of LACo's Finest OLS', namely, Todd "Tex" Ribera, just recently back from a European vacation.  So here are a few photos we snapped of this film shoot and of Tex.  We do not know the film or the actors but hopefully Tex will clue us in on that.

And "It's A Wrap!"...  and so our soldier, er, lifeguard of fortune begins his walk back to CSHQ...

but not before we get a chance to shout out, "Hey Tex!..."

10-4.  That's All Folks!

"County Recurrent" News

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