Friday, May 25, 2012

"County Recurrent" Presents: An Interview with L.A. City Beach Lifeguard (Ret.), K.C. Cooper

K.C. Cooper "On The Record"!  No way you say!  Yes way!  

Above, K.C. Cooper at left with Bill O'Sullivan, 
at the LACOLA Alumni Luncheon in 2008

K.C. and Bill with Jack Daniels... the lifeguard.

Interview with K.C. Cooper, May 15, 2012

1.  How did you get started as a beach lifeguard?

I was swimming for Santa Monica College. Bill O'Sullivan was told by the Lifeguard Chief to select the best swimmers and ask if they would like a job life guarding in the summer. Sam Jones, Dick Hieneman and myself were chosen.

2.  What was your rookie year ?

My rookie year was 1957. I worked Ballona Creek. After work we would play volleyball with Don Rohrer and Pete Tresselles. McMasters was the Captain.

3.  Who are some of the characters you used to work with at the beach and where?

I worked State Beach for 3 years with Peter Cole, Peter Stang and Bob Burns. The Captain was George Wolf.

4.  Tell us about a rescue you remember and why?

 I worked one year at Sunset Blvd., where Neeny's  had "all I could eat burgers free". I rescued 3 small girls and a drunk father off the rocks at Sunset Blvd.

5.  What are you doing now?

I own and operate KC Medical.  We Supply Wheel Chairs, Rollators, Walkers, Hospital Beds and 3in1 Commodes.  We provide Same Day Delivery.  

JD Moryl - Retired Section Chief - recently received a wheelchair and Rollator for his mother within minutes of calling me.

10 - 4 & Over,


K.C. Medical

Medical Equipment

"KC Medical will navigate you through Medicare in minutes."

Tel:    310-733-4433
          FAX:  310-733-4122


Thanks KC !  We appreciate you taking the time to visit with us and to share your memories as a beach lifeguard and still active member of our Alumni!

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Photo Credit:  Photos courtesy of Nick Steers and the Lifeguard Alumni.  Many Thanks!


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD or KC Medical.

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