Monday, May 21, 2012

2012 Recurrent Recheck: The Skinny On...

Just in from No. Section Recurrent, Lance Keene, who provided the following remarks about the recheck swim this past weekend at the Training Center in Manhattan Beach at 26th St., as follows:


Since you asked me for my impressions of the swim portion of the re-checks, I jotted down the following.  I hope it is helpful to the groups that follow...

As we arrived, the buzz in the air was that this year's swim would be tough.  The guards noticed it looked longer, but the water was warm and smooth as glass and we figured we'd just have to "go for it."  As the day wore on and headed to the scheduled swim (right after the Chief's talk around noon), the wind picked up and put a chop on the water.  Because of the choppy conditions, the two buoys were tough to see and Baywatch was not yet in place to provide a visual.

The anticipation or dread was building and people were chattering about whether they trained enough.  The warm up proved that yes, the water was warm, but there was a current pulling south on the inside.  There was also confirmation of the bottom conditions that would limit running out of the water at the end of the swim.  This was going to be bumpy and long and, with the lack of real surf, probably a slim chance of catching the customary wave in.

Once the swim was underway, what I noticed was the choppy water going out made it difficult to navigate and spot the buoys.  So, settled into following the pack and looking for the guards on paddleboards.  The chop continued to make the swim a challenge, but after circling the first buoy, I felt great and started picking up the pace.  Going around the second buoy I felt the push of the ocean and my speed picked up.  I started passing swimmers and used the current to assist my swim in.  However, I noticed that most of us were drifting to the south with the current, forming a gigantic triangle course...exiting about the same place we entered.

As for catching waves in, there were a couple I thought I had a chance at which proved to be "fat" and just rolled under me with only a slight push.  I caught a little one at the end for about 10 feet and it died out.  Three more strokes and I was up on my feet sprinting up the beach to the finish line.

My advice for the next crews?  Increase your yardage in the pool, train in the ocean, rest your body and, well, pray.

Good luck, my friends,

Lance Keene
Northern Section


*** Many Thanks to Lance for sharing his experience.  Spread this around to your fellow Recurrents asap!  They won't be getting such information from any other source and we, unfortunately, do not have all the email addresses of all active LACo Recurrents.


 Until next time......

 "County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

*** PLEASE forward to other Recurrents, past and present, so that we can add them to our mailing list. ***

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  1. Also, per Lance Keene: "We did our recheck swim and confirm, it's LONGER!!! I too, usually do my swim around 7:30 and did today's swim a hair over 10 mins, and that was 6th place out of the 28 or so swimmers. Sadly, we had a few that did not make the cut off and will have to do the swim again. One lad did it in 12:59, just under the mark."

  2. And just in from Arthur C. Verge, Phd, on how far out the buoys are currently set and who did the recheck swim this past weekend: "As I made the first buoy turn, I swear I could see Avalon Harbor!"...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Maybe we should all just consult the tide books and sign up for a recheck with low tide around noon!

  5. Low Tide is generally a good option but last year (2011) in early June we got slammed by a south swell on a low tide and it was "hammer time" in the impact zone and 17 guards failed the recheck swim and they had to repeat the swim. The day before there were similar conditions and 10+ guards did not pass and had to re-test. That was an unusual circumstance but it can happen. There is a blog post on this "Big Wednesday" recheck swim on County Recurrent, incidentally.

  6. Fellow guards - it's time to get focused. Seems like if we're going to call ourselves the best lifeguards in the world we better not sweat a simple recheck swim. Last time I checked, our victims didn't pick the flatest, low-tide, glassy days without currents to get in trouble. Treat these buoys like a rescue - life or death. Swimming in the pool is good, but we need to be ocean wet regularly. In fact, OL Mike Murphy, one of the worst pool swimmers I know, who has been in the water everyday for the last 7 years or so, won the "Big Wednesday" recheck swim last summer - on zero pool training. Good luck.

    Kyle Daniels

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I would like to add, if any Los Angeles CO. Lifeguard needs help passing, I will personally swim the buoys with them. I do not want to witness one more fail. Lets be real after last years FAILS shouldn't WE as a group get it together. I have heard guards say "I would have to work out to make the time standard"
    (Professional swimmers???)

  9. Attn: Anonymous "Me". Please contact me so that we can speak directly. If you have any other comments regarding this blog and its content you are going to have to identify yourself. 'Anonymous comments' will no longer be allowed. This will help to keep the discussion both relevant and respectful. As you can see, I have already removed your hostile comments which you would not likely make if you identified yourself. Your comment that remains is positive, engaging and cooperative and so it remains as an accommodation only, at my discretion. Thank you for your cooperation. You know who I am. I should know who you are.

  10. Hello all blog readers. I have come out from hiding. Attn Will, The anonymous "me" is Ivan L Wilkins, I did not pay attn to the fact that your blog did not show my email address which is my name. I have no reason to be anonymous. I speak for many. Are you the least bit surprised? Again I will swim the buoys with anyone that may need assistance. I would like to add, many people have now swam from the beach around Marine Ave buoy and both 26th st. buoys back to the beach in under thirteen min. Every one of us, Fat-Skinny, Young-Old, is capable of making this time standard. Very few may have to put in a bit of training, is that a bad thing?
    Ivan L Wilkins

    Ivan L Wilkins

  11. Please note that my opinions are my own and I reserve the right to express my opinions as I am entitled to do under the First Amendment. I have never witnessed a veteran lifeguard who is exceptional struggle with the time limit. Can you name one? I watched you pass last year without a struggle, guards less than half your age failed. This is not about veterans, it is about out of swimming shape. This is your blog and YOU brought it up. It is your right to delete my comments.
    Ivan L Wilkins

  12. For those in question, it's about getting into the ocean on a regular basis along with your black line workouts. I have never been on a rescue where i'm looking for lifeguards on paddleboards to guide me to the victim. I did not witness last years debacle but that should be a wake up call to those that need the help. OR maybe it's time to hang up the red trunks, turn in your country club membership, and find something more suitable for you. Watch the Water, Stay in Shape and DO the Right Thing!

  13. Thanks for your comments, Ivan. I've answered your comments on the other two blog posts so I don't need to repeat them here. Staying In Shape is very important, of course. I would very much love to announce and promote Section and Area off duty ocean training opportunities so that guards can share each other company, encourage each other and stay/get in shape. You and Ryan, for example, could give a shout out as to when you are going to do 'buoy swims' if you are so inclined or perhaps some others will do so and then we can post these times and places and get LACOLA to send out an email too. It seems we made tremendous headway in this dialogue and now we can rally together and create opportunities for guards to get together off duty for ocean workouts and buoy swims, if they so choose to participate. We've got both recurrents and permanents who need to be encouraged to get in better shape. I know that there are some guards already creating opportunities in this regard. 10-4.
