Friday, March 30, 2012

Surf Instructors Wanted During Spring Vacation in Redondo !

(Image source:

Heads up, Recurrent lifeguard/surfers! Surf Instructors Wanted During Spring Vacation in Redondo ! Read all about it!
Contact directly!

Just in via Kip Jerger:

"Hi Robbie,

There are 500 lifeguards out of work right now. Maybe Will Maguire will post it on the life guard recurrent blog for you. You can ask him . I cc this email to him as well.

Kip Jerger

sent from my iPhone


*** "County Recurrent" Hot Tip/Short Cut:


On Mar 30, 2012, at 2:28 PM, Perfect Day Surf/Beach Camp wrote:

You have anyone that wants to work spring camp next week 8-12 in Redondo?

Robbie Yrigoyen
310-985-1458 ph.
310-540-2868 fx.



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(Photo & Copyright Will Maguire 2012.)

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD or "Perfect Day Surf Camp".

*** PLEASE forward to other Recurrents, past and present, so that we can add them to our mailing list. ***

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

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