Saturday, March 10, 2012

"Out Nation's Capitol": Photos by LACo Recurrent, Bradd Schwichtenberg

Atten Hut! At ease...

Four gorgeous photos just in from Veteran LACo Recurrent (Ret.), Bradd Schwichtenberg (aka, Schwich - T !) (and Pali Y Age Group Swimmer, Pali High Swimmer, and JJ/SMC Alumni Swimmer).

Per Bradd, "Photos taken recently of a Washington DC sunrise on my bike ride to work. First photo is Watergate hotel, next Lincoln Monument, next Washington monument taken from steps of Lincoln monument, last Potomac River."



*** Thanks Bradd! Great photos! Bradd has stepped up and helped us broaden our coverage and efforts to keep our Recurrents informed. Who is ready to step up and match this Veteran Central Section Recurrent's efforts?!...

(All Photos by and Copyright Bradd Schwichtenberg 2012. All Rights Reserved.)

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Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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