Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Back In The Day!...", by Cal Porter

(Above, left to right, "1946 Winter Crew, Central Division: Santa Monica Canyon to Castle Rock --- Bob Lee - Sam Shargo — Christy Miller — Nate Shargo — Johnny Dudrow — Lt. Ted Warren — Cal Porter - Tarzan (the dog) — George McManus

Just in from the venerable Cal Porter, a couple of "Classic" photos from back in the day when men were men and a steak dinner cost a quarter... or the like.

Per Cal:

"In 1946 there was one lieutenant in each division: Northern, Central and Southern, and one captain for the whole County (Rusty Williams). That was it, a total of four officers. In each area one permanent guard was designated, “Guard in Charge”. The photo is of the permanent crew that guarded Santa Monica Canyon, Will Rogers, and Castle Rock Beaches in 1946, a great bunch of guys. Nate and Sam Shargo had the title of volleyball’s “Kings of the Beach” during the 1930’s to mid-40’s, they were the best. It was a great workout playing with them every morning before our shifts, followed by the daily workout swim. George McManus and Christy Miller had worked for the County Guards from the day the lifeguard service started, having guarded previously since the early 1900’s at the old Venice Salt Water Plunge. Bob Lee was probably the only Chinese Lifeguard the county has had, not sure, lives in Hawaii now. I went permanent for the County in 1946, having worked several years for the L.A. City Guards and the Venice Plunge previously. Lieutenant Ted Warren worked out of the old lighthouse building that stood where the new headquarters is now at Will Rogers. I don’t remember whose idea it was for the zany photograph, but it was just for the heck of it!

Below, "Same Guys, Same Day"


All photos courtesy of Cal Porter. Used here with permission.

*** Many Thanks to Cal for his continuing contributions to keep us all entertained and informed about the way it is and was!


Until next time.....

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