Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter Storm Warning: El Porto!

Dateline: Saturday morning, January 7, 2012.

So we all know that El Porto rages on a west or northwest swell and so the rumor mill spread the word that E.P. was going off this past Friday and Saturday. Without any further delay the entire editorial dept. of "County Recurrent' hustled together its camera equipment and hauled a** down there. We will let the photos that follow tell the story...

"Strafing Dockweiler"

"Winter Storm Warning"! You are now entering EL PORTO!
Check out that Peak offshore!

LACo Lifeguard Captain Greg Lee
, in his wetsuit, ready for action. How stoked were we to see that this crew working El Porto and Manhattan Beach were being led by one of LACO's Finest!

L2R at Rosecrans, OLS Jamie Orr (on duty) and OLS Jessie Simon, just returning from a workout after having tested his surfing chops in the west swell pounding El Porto and No. Manhattan Beach

OLS Jessie Simon is "all over it" with a pair of binos and keeping an eye on a few sketchy surfers...

And here is another treat! According to Jessie Simon, shredding across this double overhead wave below is Shane Gallas, son of Veteran LACo Recurrent, Diane Graner Gallas (of the infamous Graner Clan of lifeguards, watermen and firefighters, etc. et al)

OLS Jamie Orr assisting OLS Cosmo Flynn (off camera) change out 02 bottles... these guys are really on it!

This Seagull owes its life to a concerned beach patron AND most of all to the surgical skills of Cosmo Flynn and a pair on narrow nosed pliars that removed a tangle of nasty hooks from a fishing lure.

Nothing like a "Breakfast Sandwich" at Wendy's Cafe in El Segundo afterwards along with the L.A. Times showing LACo Recurrent/Pro Surfer, Matt Mohagen, in triumph after charging a huge wave on Jan. 7th at the El Segungo Jetty (L.A. Times, Jan. 8, 2012, Section AA, LATEXTRA).

we also note here, for the record, that we are informed, however, that LACo Recurrent, Arthur C. Verge, Phd, prefers the Blue Butterfly Cafe around the corner on Main St.


*** All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2012. All Rights Reserved.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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