Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Pelican On Duty", by Tom Thorson

(Photo by & Copyright Tom Thorson 2012. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission.)

Dateline: San Pedro, California
Tuesday morning, Jan. 17, 2012

In an exclusive interview with "County Recurrent" News, Veteran LACo Recurrent Lifeguard/Photographer/Father/Grandfather, Tom Thorson, captured this amazing photo above of an absolutely Ginormous California Pelican early this morning on a set of nets down by the waterfront in San Pedro. This Pelican is clearly not missing any meals. These nets are not getting stolen, that's for sure!

Clearly, Top Dog, er, Pelican, this Monstrous Pelican laid claim to this bundle of nets and as Tom approached to get a closer look at it, the Pelican raised its wings and actually advanced on Tom ! Whereupon having gotten this shot, Tom retreated to a safer distance. After all, he is back on the west coast visiting one of his daughter's who just gave birth to his fourth grandchild, and in this case a grandson, namely, Nicholas Robert Kruse, born Jan. 13, 2012. Apparently, there are two more grand kids in the oven, er, on the way too. Enough Thorson's to make the Norwegian Gods shed tears of joy.

Congratulations, Gramps! And Thanks for letting us share your great photo of the King of Pedro Pelicans with all of us.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

("So.Cal.Sunrise". Photo by & Copyright Tom Thorson 2012. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission.)

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