Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Stayin' In Shape" Featuring Tom Thorson

We are starting a new series of interviews. The theme, "Stayin' in Shape". In this regard, we are going to be auditing our peers, aka, "Recurrents" (as well as former Recurrents, aka "Permanents") and checking out how they stay in shape. We begin this endeavor with Veteran Santa Monica City and LACo Recurrent Beach Lifeguard (Ret.), Tom Thorson, who posted the following remarks about his regular morning kayak paddle on the east coast, with this morning's paddle near his home on Long Island Sound:

"Morning kayaking, around 20 degrees and some ice…"

Additionally, Tom answers the proverbial question, "How Cold Was It?", as follows:

"Funny it was so cold today that while I was paddling the ice was forming on my kayak...when I got out the nose was covered in ice. Ice was about 1/8 of an inch. In some areas it was too thick to break with the nose of the boat."

Needless to say, a very impressive discipline! And check out Tom's sub freezing kayak outfit below, esp. his headgear!

(Photos by & Copyright Tom Thorson 2011. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission.)

Sticker by "JJ I SWAM FOR JJ".


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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