Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"County Recurrent" Presents: Rumor and Innuendo

Today we share with our readership several stories that have found their way to our editorial staff this past couple of weeks, in no particular order, but all referencing recurrent lifeguards, past and present, engaged in various pursuits out there in the world.

So here goes:

1. Rumor has it that retired L.A. City recurrent beach lifeguard (Venice, Dockweiler, Will Rogers), Bill Kendall ('48 - '53) recently was cleaning out the family deep freeze at home and found a (frozen) abalone he had snagged while diving back in November 1974! Always an adventurer, Bill let it defrost overnite and then pounded it some and cooked it up. His son Mark reports that his dad, Bill, said (about it): "Trimmed and pounded it today . Cooked and ate it tonite. A little tough. I'll pound the next one longer. Still alive! Good but not as good fresh. 37 years in the freezer! It's probably a record and a tribute to non frost free freezers !"

Way to go, Bill! "A little tough?"... ya think!? :-) Abalone and fish fry at the Kendall's this Friday! :-)


2. Professional Lifeguard Foundation (aka, PLF) Co-Founder, Paul Silka, MD, recommends the New York Times Bestseller novel, THE HUNGER GAMES, by Suzanne Collins (see photo below). No word back from Dr. Silka on whether or not the PLF will be sponsoring a "PLF Book Club" as yet, however...


3. Per LACOLA, the Dept.'s new seniority list is now posted online on the password protected website. Check it out. And speaking of the new seniority list, have you ever wondered who is Number One On The List?!... Well, look no further, folks, because here he is below, shown hard at work this past Sat., Nov. 5th, at SMS Tower #20 alongside Capt. Eugene Attanasio, at left. Who is he? None other than Veteran LACo Recurrent Beach Lifeguard, George Hale (at right in the photo below), who this past summer worked on schedule on Santa Monica North. 10-4, George.

And below, a close up of George, in a photo from the SMN Summer 2011 Beach Crew Party


4. Recently, we conducted a quiz which LACo Recurrent (Ret.), Terry Flanagan answered correctly... naming Cap Watkins as the lifeguard piloting the boat in the classic b/w photo below from way back in the day. This photo is on display and framed prominently at The OP Cafe, owned by LACo Recurrent (Ret.), Mark Verge, on Ocean Park Blvd. at 31st. St., in Santa Monica, Calif.

( The Ocean Park Cafe; )

4. Recently, "County Recurrent" lobbed the idea for a "Beat The Chief" swim around the Venice Pier on Thanksgiving morning but Chief Frazer, as it turns out, is nursing a torn rotator cuff in his shoulder. So we put out an APB for any other Chief up to the challenge and could not find any available..... so the swim is off and Chad Carvin will have to pay for his own coffee and donut after all... We were thinking of maybe a "Beat The Captain" swim around the pier but it just doesn't have the same ring to it and why bother anyways?!... besides there are too many Captains that are still in really good swimming shape and whole idea of the concept was to cherry pick the Chief and have him pony up for coffee and donuts or muffins for the lifeguards that beat him around the pier. So it's a no go. We will try to organize this at some point in the future. Stay tuned. As an aside, Chief Burnside accepted our challenge but insisted that the swim take place in December in Utah in the snow. We cannot publish the photo exemplar of this undertaking, however.

5. Last but not least, below is famed LACo Public Defender and even more famous as a Veteran LACo Zuma Recurrent lifeguard, namely, Steve Fisher, shown on foot patrol at Zuma on a beautiful Saturday this past September...

We could share more lifeguard news but it's lunch time...


All Photos by & Copyright Will Maguire. All Rights Reserved.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

*** PLEASE forward to other Recurrents, past and present, so that we can add them to our mailing list. ***

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  1. So then the rumor is true that Fisher can only do foot patrols because he is not allowed to drive the vehicles?

    And having seen the aforementioned swimming in the snow image, i think i could do that. Otherwise i am totally out of shape.

    Baywatch does bounce like those ......

    Ask Flanagan about the time he spent the afternoon with the remaining Carrillo brothers back in the day. Hey Pancho..
