Thursday, October 6, 2011

Paddle Out for "Corny Cole"!

(Photo by & Copyright Tom McBride. Image source:

Just in from Harold Dunnigan:

"Peter's brother, Corny Cole, passed away recently.

On Saturday, October 9th, at 1030 hrs, at State Beach (Tower #18), there will be a celebration of Corny's life."

(Editor's Note/FYI: State Beach = Will Rogers State Beach, Tower #18, at Santa Monica Canyon, at 10:30 a.m.)


Some background on Corny, who according to Bob Burnside, was for several years an L.A. City Beach Lifeguard (along with his brother, Peter), and according to Cal Porter, "Corny was a Santa Monica Lifeguard along with brother Peter and Buzzy Trent in the late 40's." Corny was a life long surfer, paddler, oceanman, and also a very famous animator. Many thanks to Larry Loganbill for the following linked articles about Corny's animation background. Per Larry: "I think most people knew of Peter Cole's surfing brothers...but few knew about Corny's animation genius."



A scholarship fund has been established in honor of Corny's extraordinary educational legacy to benefit animation students in the School of Film/Video.

Memorial gifts may be made online (note "Corny Cole Scholarship" in the special instructions box) or may be sent to:

The Corny Cole Endowed Scholarship Fund
Office of Advancement
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, CA 91355

Editor's note: The photo at the top above is from a memorial blog post at:

Said photo was taken by Tom McBride who shot a great many photos of his surf buddies and the characters around Malibu in the 1950's and 1960's. Other photos by Tom can be seen at:

Last but not least, please be sure to check out Cal Porter's tribute and short story honoring his surfing buddy and lifeguard pal, Corny Cole, at the following link:

"A Day With Corny Cole"


*** For those of you who knew Corny personally and want to share a story, please email the undersigned or post your remarks as a comment at the end of this blog post. Thanks!


Will Maguire, Editor
"County Recurrent" News

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