Friday, September 30, 2011

This Week In Photos: Sept. 25 - 30th, 2011

(Will Rogers Tower #8, Sunday afternoon, Sept. 25th)

(Gateway to Venice Beach at Westminster, Sunday morning, Sept. 25th)

(Sunday evening at sunset, Sept. 25th, from El Medio Bluffs above Will Rogers Tower #7, with view toward Pt. Dume; followed by Clouds close up, below).

(Permitted Group at Will Rogers Tower #5 engaged in some type of 'baptismal' ceremony, late Sunday afternoon, Sept. 25th)

(WRHQ, Monday, Sept. 25th)

(Good Stuff, W.L.A., showing their restaurant locations in the South Bay and W.L.A.)

(PCH at Santa Monica Canyon, Sept. 30th)

(PCH at the Calif. Incline; In the Fisheye: Sept. 30th)



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(WRHQ, Sept. 26th)

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