Thursday, September 8, 2011

LACo Veteran OL, John Matesich, To Be Inducted Into The San Pedro Sportswalk

(Photo above shows Matty in Cape May, NJ, this past August for the 2011 USLA Lifeguard Championships. Photo courtesy of Matty.)

Save This Date: Monday, Oct. 10, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at the corner of 6th and Palos Verdes St. in downtown San Pedro.

Head's up!

Just in from John "Matty" Matesich:

"To All My Friends,
I would like inform you all of a great honor that has been bestowed upon me. I have been selected as one of the six 2011 inductees to the San Pedro Sportswalk To The Waterfront Foundation on Monday, October 10 at 10:00 a.m. The other inductees include: Pat Haden (USC Athletic Director), Dan Guererro (UCLA Athletic Director), Maureen O'Toole (water polo), George Lusic (baseball), and Jack Bogdanovich (Trani Award).

The list of past inductees is very impressive. It reads like a "Who's Who In The World of Sports." My category is Ocean Surf Racing (as a lifeguard for the past 55 years)."


Congratulations to Matty on this very special honor.

We also understand that Matty will be the very first Ocean Surf Racing Lifeguard
to be honored to represent the more than 900 men and women of the Los Angeles County Lifeguard Service.

Please mark the date on your calendar, Monday, Oct. 10, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. We know that Matty would love to see you there.

As Matty said himself, "What a great opportunity this will be to spotlight the LACOLA Surf Racing program and the outstanding public service we provide to the people of Southern California."

And last but not least, we would be remiss if we did not share some recent photos of Matty.

(Photo above by & Copyright Kenny Atkins 2011, showing Matty competing in the American Ironman at the 2011 USLA National Lifeguard Championships at Cape May, NJ, this past August.)

(Photo above courtesy of Matty. Here is what Matty has to say about this photo: "The motto of the USLA is "Lifeguards for Life." In the over 60 age category:
65-year-old Ed Heinrich (retired Delta Airline Captain) captured 5 gold medals.
73-year-old John (Matty) Matesich - 3 gold, 2 silver.
60-year-old Eldin Onsgard - 2 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze.

(Photo above courtesy of Matty. Per Matty: "Hanging out and watching lifeguards like Tyler Morgan race have added years to my life.")


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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