Tuesday, August 30, 2011

JG Road, er, Boat Trip to Avalon!

Just in from LACo Recurrent (Ret.) and JG Mom, Nathalie Brouwer, who took a day trip to Catalina yesterday. Here is Nathalie's report and a couple of photos, including a visit with Avalon LACo Recurrent, Lyndsi Worthington:

"How classic is this? We went to Catalina yesterday. This sign was posted at the VERY CROWDED public beach!"

"It was the first time I had been to Avalon. Bought ferry tickets through
Groupon. We did some great snorkeling... we went out at Descano Beach Club and swam North. I was amazed at what we saw underwater!"

"Did not have time to visit HQ. We landed at 11 and had to be back at 4:45. I would like to go back and spend more time on the island. The LACo Recurrent we met was Lyndsi Worthington. Check out her sad excuse for a tower :(


All photos by & Copyright Nathalie Brouwer 2011. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission.

Many Thanks to Nathalie for sharing this JG Adventure and visit with one of LACo's finest, Recurrent Lyndsi Worthington. 10-4.

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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