(Photo above shows Section Chief Garth Canning, just a few minutes after donating blood, and having a slice of pizza. 10-4. Photo by Will Maguire.)
This blog post shall focus on the Southern Section based, LACo Training Center sponsored Blood Drive earlier this afternoon, Thursday, July 7th, 2011, organized and produced by Section Chief Garth Canning that was promoted, communicated and trumpeted to as many lifeguards, family and friends as possible. In connection therewith, let's first applaud such inclusiveness, not to mention the volunteerism to a worthy annual cause championed by LACOLA. Kudos all around to Chief Canning and his staff for all their hard work and for broadly communicating this event.
Finally, there was as promised a boatload of PIZZA, beverages, snacks and cookies to replenish the blood sugar levels of those lifeguards whose veins were tapped and from whom blood was drawn! So here goes...
LACo Capt. Erik Albertson, below, on the table getting his blood drawn...
"Blood, Beefcake & Pizza" featuring LACo OLS, Ivan Wilkins, below
OLS, Ivan Wilkins, up on his feet checking in on Erik Albertson whose veins are taking their sweet a** time giving up his blood...
JG Instructors upstairs at the Training Center, below, and perhaps ducking out on the blood drive...
And we say goodbye to the Training Center and its staff. Thanks again!
This was a well attended event during the time we were there late this afternoon and we even saw LACo Capt. Steve Gregg (Retired) there donating blood and enjoying a slice of pizza afterwards. 10-4 to this Stud LACo Lifeguard Alumnus!
Until next time.....
"County Recurrent" News
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