Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bruce "Kris" Kjeldsen: R.I.P

(Photo source: www.moananui.co.nz)

*** Update; August 22, 2011: Just in from Jeff McConnel, a link to a tribute to Kris:


*** Update; August 23, 2011:

From: Robert R. Feigel
To: Dave Rochlen

I'd like to ask for your help with something. You may have read on the LA County Recurrent blog that a 60s Zuma recurrent named Kris Kjeldsen died suddenly in New Zealand. The blog link is: http://countyrecurrent.blogspot.com/2011/07/bruce-kris-kjeldsen-rip.html .

I've written a tribute to Kris on my website:


and wonder if you would share that link with your lifeguard's emailing list? It would be great if you could.

All for now. Gotta go make myself useful around the house for a change. Aloha, b

Robert Feigel
PO Box 402032
Whangarei 0153


We recently heard from Retired Zuma Recurrent Lifeguard, Larry Loganbill, advising us of the sudden passing of one our 1960's era Zuma recurrent guards, namely, Bruce "Kris" Kjeldsen, who for many years had lived in New Zealand where he married, started a family and ran a very successful and award winning outrigger canoe company, Moana Nui.


This blog post is our tribute to Kris. This is what we've learned thus far as we heard from Kris' contemporaries:

(1) On Jun 30, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Larry Loganbill wrote:

Kris, known as "Bruce" Kjeldsen, was an LACo lifeguard at Zuma Beach along with his brother Keith... 1964 to late 60s before moving to New Zealand.



Editor's note and excerpt from www.wakaama.co.nz link above: "Kris passed away suddenly Thursday (June 30th) at Whangarei Hospital. He will be at the Newberrys Funeral Home until 5pm Friday 1 July. After which time he will be taken home to Ngunguru."

Flowers can be sent to:
Schnapper Rock Cafe
Marine Road
Northland, NZ

Cards to:
PO Box 403069
Northland, NZ

(2) Subject: Research; Fwd: Waka Ama Aotearoa | Bereavement - Kris (Bruce) Kjeldsen
From: Will Maguire
Date: June 30, 2011 3:07:33 PM PDT
To: Larry Loganbill


Here is some research I've just done and a couple of photos that I found by search "Moana Nui" that I found in the linked story you forwarded to me.

(Photo source: www.moananui.co.nz)

• Welcome to Moana Nui (Kris' canoe company in NZ)


• About Moana Nui


• The history of Waka Ama (outrigger canoeing) in NZ

By Kris Kjeldsen


(3) On Jun 30, 2011, at 3:52 PM, Tom Viren wrote:

These are my comments on Bruce's passing

"I also lived with Bruce (Kris) and Larry Loginbill in 1966, my last year at Long Beach State. Bruce and his brother Keith both worked summers at Zuma Beach, where we lived in a facility much like a surf club in New Zealand. I knew he left on a trimaran for Hawaii and then to New Zealand in the late 60's where he settled.

I am sorry I was not able to recontact Bruce, and now it is too late. He was respected and admired by many of his fellow lifeguards."

(4) On Jul 3, 2011, at 4:52 PM, James Dryden Graham wrote:

Hello Will:

With the recent info sent out about the passing of former Zuma lifeguard Bruce Kjeldsen, I thought you might enjoy the following photo of a 1964 Zuma competition crew that competed in, and won, the annual Santa Monica Arts and Sea Festival.

(Photo courtesy of Jim Graham. Bruce "Kris" Kjeldsen is third from far right.)

The lifeguards (not wearing coats and ties - they were the Santa Monica City reps) are from left to right Bob Burnside, Sheridan Byerley, Larry Hanes, yours truly, Darrow Miller, Bruce Kjeldsen and Larry Loganbill. The competition consisted of drawing for your event in the competition. The events consisted in an Iron Man, a Paddle Rescue, a Surf Rowing Event and a Two Person Landline Rescue Event. One of the competitors was the team "victim" in the events. I don't recall who was who except that Hanes was the Iron Man (and won) and I did the Paddle Rescue event (and won). I was the "captain" of the team also. This photo was taken in front of the old Del Mar Beach Club (later to become Synanon; and presently, the Hotel Casa del Mar) at the foot of Pico Boulevard.

Jim Graham


On behalf of all of Kris' contemporaries, as well as our collective group of
lifeguards, we extend our sincere condolences to Kris' family and friends. May he rest in peace.

Many thanks to Larry, Tom, and Jim for sharing their thoughts and to Jim for the great b/w photo from "back in the day" showing Kris with his Zuma teammates.



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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***** ***** ***** ***** *****


  1. The trimaran that Chris sailed to Hawaii had among others on board, our own "Admiral Ed Perry". Ed related much of the trip of November 1968 I believe, which is late in the season to cross to Hawaii...He said that they experienced 18 days of gale force winds and seas to 35 feet. This was Ed's only "crossing" on a small craft of that sort. Chris sailed some after that, I believe through the S. Pacific and then to New Zealand where he settled.

  2. Just in from Jeff McConnel, Aug. 22, 2011:

    Hi Will, Just saw this tribute to Kris thought you might want to repost....


    Aloha jeff

  3. From: Robert R. Feigel
    To: Dave Rochlen
    Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 4:34 PM
    I'd like to ask for your help with something. You may have read on the LA County Recurrent blog that a 60s Zuma recurrent named Kris Kjeldsen died suddenly in New Zealand. The blog link is: http://countyrecurrent.blogspot.com/2011/07/bruce-kris-kjeldsen-rip.html .

    I've written a tribute to Kris on my website:

    and wonder if you would share that link with your lifeguard's emailing list? It would be great if you could.

    All for now. Gotta go make myself useful around the house for a change. Aloha, b

    Robert Feigel
    PO Box 402032
    Whangarei 0153

    Telephone: (+64) 9-4343531
    Cellphone: (+64) 27-4343531
    Website: http://www.surfwriter.net
    Email: bob@surfwriter.net
    Skype: surfwriter
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Surfwriter
