Thursday, July 28, 2011

Aussies To Challenge For Taplin Trophy!

(Photo above by Adam Sandler shows 2011 venue of Intracrew (July 29) and Taplin (July 30) just north of Hermosa Pier, Hermosa Beach, Calif.)

(A portion of the Famous Taplin Relay Trophy is shown above)

A team of Aussie lifeguards from Half Moon Bay SLSC, of Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA will be challenging the rest of the field this Saturday nite at Hermosa Beach Pier for the 2011 Taplin Relay.
At tonite's Medal of Valor dinner at Seaside Lagoon in Redondo Beach, Calif., the Aussie team was in attendance as guests of our LACo Lifeguard Dept. and LACOLA and the International Surf Festival.

We've included a few photos we snapped of the Aussie team:

In the photo below, the Aussies react to the gag gift presented to Rob McGowan by the Aussie team manager (close up of said gag gift is shown further below)

LACo OL, Kip Jerger, shares a laugh, below, with a couple of the Aussie competitors

Above and below, as a gag, the Aussie team manager presented LACo Capt. (Ret.), Rob McGowan, with a miniature Taplin Bell

Video Clip! Aussie Team Manager Thanks Their Hosts Here in So. Calif., at:

note: if the link above does not take you to the video, then please copy and paste the URL into your browser.

This is an event you will not want to miss!


"County Recurrent" News

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