Sunday, July 24, 2011

2011 CSLSA Regionals

Dateline: Saturday, July 23, 2011, Seal Beach, Calif. CSLSA held its Regionals Lifeguard competition with teams from Laguna Beach, Ventura, Port Hueneme, Huntington Beach, L.A. County, and others participating.

Thus far, we only have the results of one event, the Men's 3-Lap Dory Race which was an L.A. County "Sweep". Total Sweepage as a matter of fact because the first five (5) finishers were L.A. County dory teams. It was LACo OLS JVD who informed us first of this spectacular result and then Rob McGowan provided us with the complete list of each LACo dory team in the Top Five, as follows: First Place: JVD & Andrew Czer; "Dave Cartlidge & Danny Bender 2nd; Ben Gottlieb & Marshal Abramszyk 3rd; Mel Solberg & Micah Carlson 4th; and Jim Darling & Anto Baghokian 5th . . . LA City, Long Beach, Seal Beach, San Clemente and Cal State rounded out the top 10." Many thanks to JVD and Rob for posting us on this Great Result!

Here are just a few photos that we snapped of this spectacular event. Many thanks to the City of Seal Beach and its Marine Safety Dept. for hosting this event. What a great venue!


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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