Saturday, April 16, 2011

File Under: R E T I R E D !

(Photo above shows the retiree himself, Assnt. Chief Phil Topar, with his very own trademarked surf rescue innertube on the evening of his Retirement Bash!)

Dateline: Friday Nite, April 15, 2011

Wow! Now THAT was a Retirement Party ! What a spectacular event last night at the Marina Del Rey Hotel where well over 200 people attended Phil Topar's retirement bash. Below are just a few of the photos from this celebratory event where friends, colleagues and family gathered to celebrate the career and friendship of Phil Topar. Congratulations, Topy ! 10-4.


From Tuesday, April 12, 2011:

TO: Phil Topar, LACo Fire Dept., Lifeguard Operations, Assnt. Chief, Retired

Adios, Sionara, Seeya and Happy Trails !

10-4, Topar is 10-8 in the O.C. !


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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