Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Zuma Trophy Room!

The Trophies and Awards that blanket the stairwell at Zuma Lifeguard Headquarters kind of reminds us of a pirates cave full of gold, jewelry and trinkets. It's that stunning and vast! Want to feel inspired? Step on up to the first landing between the ground and second floor and look up and down, sideways and backwards and you will be mesmerized by all of the awards and THE NAMES of Legendary LACo Lifeguard Competitors. It is the recognition and inscription of the names of hundreds of lifeguards that further establishes this spot as a place of reverence and respect. To see the names of so many lifeguards is truly a testament to the mutual respect Zuma guards have for one another. Some of them are still on duty, some have gone on to other jobs or the great beyond but none of them will be forgotten because their names are right there for anyone to see and acknowledge, remember and to smile at their memory.

We could write stories till the end of time about each individual whose made it up here in this hallowed hallway of lifeguarding competition. Yes, it's Impressive and it is also Inspiring! You cannot help but walk away changed and excited. Of course, the 53 degree water out front will also leave you excited and with a smile on your face as you run across the sand, slam your feet in the bucket at the front door and quickly get under the hot water of the shower.

In any case, feast your eyes because this time around we took pictures of EVERYTHING! When we last did a Zuma Drive By on Oct. 1, 2011, we only took a few photos of these trophies. This time around, however, you get to see them all. File under: Woo Hoo ! Enjoy!

p.s. and we've heard from some of the guards whose names appear on these trophies so look for those as well as we have incorporated them herein, with their consent. Thanks to all !

(Reputed) Trophy Husband, below...
:-); and Certified LACo Lifeguard Captain

From: Robert Burnside
Subject: Re: Zuma Guards: 1958 - 1967 AND 1968 - 1974
Date: March 17, 2011
To: Will Maguire
Thanks for the memories!



From: Tom Viren
Subject: Re: Zuma Guards: 1958 - 1967 AND 1968 - 1974
Date: March 17, 2011

Nice job with the articles Will. I started in 1962 and Finished in 2001, so I have seen a lot of paddles and names. For many years Norton Wisdom penned the names to the boards when he was in the Northern Section. Rob is right about it being a special place for LA CO Lifeguards. They may move to other Sections but they will always remember their time as a Zuma Guard.

From: Mark Jalving
Subject: RE: Zuma Guards: 1958 - 1967 AND 1968 - 1974
Date: March 21, 2011

My notice was the names of those I knew who are no longer with us:

Gar Steiner
Dave Heck
Jim Krauss
Sheridan Beyerly
Lew Evans
Bud McKinley
Ted Davis
Jack Campbell
and others whom I'm not aware of or never knew

May God rest their souls and bless them for the rescues they made and the lives they saved.

Mark Jalving

*** With respect to the above three photos of the longboard trophy featuring lifeguards from 1958 - 1967, check out what Cal Porter just sent to us via email !

From: Cal Porter

Subject: RE: Zuma Guards: 1958 - 1967 AND 1968 - 1974
Date: March 17, 2011
To: Will Maguire

The first three photos in your e-mail are of my old balsa redwood board, an early Pacific Systems model. I bought it in 1939 from Chauncey Granstrom who was a guard with Santa Monica in the early 30’s, then guarded for the County at S.M. Canyon in the later 30’s. Chauncey worked out in the Venice Plunge when I was a guard there. I knew the board, paid him 15 dollars for it when he decided he was going to get a new one, and hung up my old Tom Blake paddleboard. I donated it to be the first name board on the wall of the old Zuma station. I wanted the earliest names of all of us that worked there in the 1940’s on the board but somehow it ended up with the 1958 crew being the first guards on the wall. I surfed that board until the early 50’s. The legend, Pete Peterson, reshaped it for me twice as the years went by. Cal

(Photo above courtesy of Cal Porter. Photo shows Cal "back in the day" with this same longboard that once having served several owners well for decades of surfing and paddling lived on to an even more profound mission as a Zuma trophy piece.)

From: spike beck

Subject: RE: Zuma Guards: 1958 - 1967 AND 1968 - 1974
Date: March 17, 2011

I love those paddle boards ---------------one thing that i remember is when Jerry Cunningham came to Zuma as a Captain from South Bay. I loved working for Jerry, as did everyone I know - but for some reason, he just hated those boards, oars, pics etc. He thought they were clutter and wanted them "out of there". If I remember right, Jerry got promoted, and wasn't at Zuma long enough to follow through on his wish -----plus he was met with overwhelming resistance.
I just wish my name was on more of them -----

From: Rob McGowan
Subject: RE: Zuma Guards: 1958 - 1967 AND 1968 - 1974
Date: March 17, 2011


VERY NICE . . . I have very fond memories of my days in the Northern Section and feel it is a special place, unlike most others, in not only L.A. County, but in any lifeguard service. I will always feel privileged to have been a Malibu – Zuma Lifeguard because they are like no others! Thanks for the memories.



That's all Folks !

All Photos by Will Maguire, March 10, 2011, unless otherwise indicated.

Until next time.....

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  1. Last time I was at Zuma was for Jake's retirement party. First stop was the stairwell to find my name in case nobody knew me at the top of the stairs. I worried for no reason, if your name is on the wall, someone will know you. That is just the way Zuma is.

    The General

    aka Greg Braxton-Brown or Greg Brown
