Monday, January 10, 2011

Kahoolawe Wowee!

(Photo above shows the Hawaiian island of Kahoolawe on January 8, 2011. Photo by & Copyright Jeff McConnel. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission.)

Here is what Jeff had to say about this photo:

"The great rains of late have ended a 2 year drought..nature rebounds in green....and the red soil and blue water really do it for me....this pic was taken with my telephoto lens from 10,000 ft....solo flying back in the Cherokee from Honolulu..."

and in a follow up this morning, Jan. 10th, Jeff also said:

"Aloha Will,
You have my permission to post this pic...It is of the island Kahoolawe, off of Maui and Lanai..The red soil and freshly green keawe (mesquite)trees are dramatic colors to go with the ocean blue....shot at 10,000 ft. out the window of my plane...."

(Photo of Jeff McConnel, Jan. 8, 2011, at sunset on the Big Island of Hawaii, courtesy of Jeff.)

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Many thanks and Mahalo to Big Island resident and retired L.A. City and LACo Recurrent, Jeff McConnel for sharing this amazing photo of Kahoolawe! It is Way Kool!


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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