Saturday, January 22, 2011

"OLS Ruben Carmona's Christmas Eve 2010 Rescue", by Adam Sandler

Just in from County Recurrent's own freelance photographer-reporter-paddler-media liaison, Adam Sandler:

"On Christmas eve, I was on a bike ride from Torrance to MDR and back when I spotted OLS Ruben Carmona trying to get the attention of the "skipper" of a pontoon boat (yes, a pontoon boat!) that had posted up just off shore of El Segundo/Dockweiler beach. Ruben was working in Tower 60 when around 1300 hrs a boat that was motoring along just outside the sets, stopped just north of T61 to enjoy the view, and began drifting close to a groin or jetty in front of that tower. Ruben drove his area vehicle from T-60, parked it facing toward the boat and tried to get the attention of the boater using the PA and the siren. When he couldn't get any response, Ruben wetsuits up, straps on a Peterson tube and a pair of fins, and paddleboards out to make contact.

As he paddled out, his back up responds Code 3.

The oblivious boaters still don't hear the siren of Ruben's area unit, which continues to wail while he paddles out.
Once Ruben gets to the bow of the boat, he gets the expected "Huh, what?" reaction from the "skipper." Ruben advises the boaters of their precarious situation, and the boat fires up and goes on it's way - tragedy averted.

Btw, water temp was around 54 degrees and the air 56/57 with a chilly 3-5 knot wind; so it was not a summery-like day like we've been having recently."



(All Photos by & Copyright Adam Sandler 2011. Used here with permission.)

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Many Thanks to Adam for sharing this great story and his photos! Ruben basically kicked ass on this rescue as well. "Rumor" also has it that the boater and first mate may have been paying attention to the wrong, er, jetty synonym...


Until next time.....

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