Monday, November 29, 2010

Movember 2010: Mustache Growth Progress Report

(Photo above courtesy of Mike Cunningham)

MOnday, November 29, 2010

Only One Mo Day To Grow Your Mustache!

And because there is just one mo day, we felt it important to feature one mo lifeguard mustache, namely, that of LACo Capt. Mike Cunningham. Especially Classic is the shot on the right, above, showing Mike in World Championship form and Mike is undoubtedly correct when he said, "It even works when wet!" Now that is a Mo We Can All Appreciate!


Friday Nite, November 26, 2010

Just 4 more days to get your Mo-tors running.....

Here are four (4) inspirational mustaches to encourage those still in the game. Remember the Celebration, aka, Mo-Down, is set for Wed., Dec. 1, 2010 at 6:30 pm at Memphis Cafe in Manhattan Beach.

"The Chief Mo", below (photo courtesy of Adam Sandler)

Groucho Marx, below (Source: Wikipedia; Inspiration by: Harold Dunnigan)

LACo OLS, Sam Bertolet, below (June 2010; Photo by Will Maguire)

LACo OL (and Burbank FD Firefighter) Ron Pearlman, below, with his veteran recurrent mo (June 2010; Photo by Will Maguire)

Friday Nite, November 26, 2010

Just 4 more days to get your Mo-tors running.....

Here are four (4) inspirational mustaches to encourage those still in the game!
Remember the Celebration, aka, Mo-Down, is set for Wed., Dec. 1, 2010 at 6:30 pm
at Memphis Cafe in Manhattan Beach.

p.s. Hey Kyle: You you be administering blood doping, aka, mo doping tests to see if any of the contestants have been spritzing their mo's with Rogaine?


*** Heads up ! Another MOvember Update from Kyle Daniels ***

From: Kyle Daniels
Subject: Even Chris Linkletter is getting involved with our Movember team!
Date: November 23, 2010 9:45:54 PM PST

--- --- ---

November 20, 2010 *** Mo Update From Kyle Daniels ***

Here's the latest photo of Captain Greg Lee, OLS Wilkins and myself after a manly day on the job.

The Mo-Down is set for December 1st
, at Memphis in Manhattan Beach, 6:30-?. All are encouraged to attend. Also, team update - we have 24 Mo Bros signed up for Sam Elliott's My Hero. It's time to really make the push on the fundraising - the team goal is $2,000. Let's make it happen!


Kyle D

"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable." Coach Wooden

--- --- ---

November 15, 2010

From: Kyle Daniels

"Fellow Mo's,

Thanks for registering and "just doin it for the cause" (NOFX). We have a confirmed date for the Mo down. It'll be held on December 1st, at Memphis in Manhattan Beach. It's open to all and there will be food or drink specials set up for those with hairy upper lips. We plan on having the vote for the best Mo, the nastiest, and the best excuse for your Mo when people have asked. We'll have a raffle with some great prizes (tickets are $10/each) and for every $10 you raise for Movember, you'll get one raffle ticket. So get raising mo money and mark Dec 1st in your calendar.

Thanks for the support!


--- --- ---

From: Kyle Daniels
Subject: Movember update
Date: November 8, 2010


Thanks for joining the team. Just a quick update, we're looking at Dec 1st or 2nd for the 2nd Annual Mo-Down party at Memphis in Manhattan Beach. On stock so far are some sweet raffle items including Lakers tickets, dinner gift certs, surf gear, etc. Raffle tickets will be $10 and for every $10 you earn in donations, you'll get one ticket - so get raising some dough. There are several guards looking pretty macho that haven't signed up so encourage them to join. You'll get at least one raffle ticket just for registering and Kevin Barry is working on some sort of special for the Mo-down if you show with a mo. Also, we're going to have some gals on hand who are willing to shave your mo for you for a $10 donation - all going to the Livestrong Foundation and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

See the attached info sheet regarding Movember and here's to looking macho!


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Friday, Nov. 5, 2010:

It's been FIVE (5) days thus far and we have two, make that, Three (3) photos of team member mustache progress.

We begin with our team leader, Kyle Daniels:

...and by chance we happened upon off duty LACo OLS Tim Gair at WRHQ
in the late afternoon, as the sun was setting, with his family and got this shot of his mustache growth:

(caveat: OLS Gair admitted that he started his mustache, by chance, a day early on Oct. 31st, and will, therefore, have to have his mustache photographed on Nov. 29th.)

Next up, yours truly, "County Recurrent" News Editor, Will Maguire:

Needless to say it is near neck and neck.
We've got NINE (9) team members thus far. Hopefully, we will hear from our other team members such as Kastigar and Whitmore and others. Lob us a photo via email as a jpeg so we can post it for us all to see and appreciate... or not.




1. Mustache Contest Information:

2. Famous Lifeguard Mustaches:

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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