Friday, November 5, 2010

Famous Lifeguard Mustaches

(Just in courtesy of Shannon Davey, a photo so Classic and Emblematic of this blog post's theme that we felt it our obligation to lead with it. In Shannon's own words, "Here is an oldie but goodie of brothers Scott & Jim Davey in 1980". Thanks Shannon! What a Classic Shot! The Brothers Davey With Twin Mustaches and a paddleboard.)

(King Neptune, above, Berlin, Germany, the patron saint of all lifeguards. This mustache is not comin' off, so don't even think about it...)

"County Recurrent" is pleased to present it's First Ever Photo Collection of "Famous Lifeguard Mustaches". This is intended to recognize the stache, as well as to support Kyle Daniels Mustache Challenge For Charity, as was highlighted in our blog post of November 1, 2010 at:

(Kyle Daniels, above, sporting a fine stache. Photo source: Scraped from Kyle's Facebook page, of course...)

So without further yak, we present to you a whole bunch of photos of lifeguards you will recognize from the past and the present, in no particular order, except for the first photo below which we just re-discovered and which is perhaps one of The Greatest Triple Lifeguard Mustache Photo OF ALL TIME ! Enjoy !

"Beach Lifeguard Mustache Trifecta". Below, circa 1970, L2R, Santa Monica City Lifeguard, Randy Allen (R.I.P.), L.A. City Lifeguard, Jimmy Doman, and L.A. City Lifeguard, Mark Thompson, looking over a topo map at Crowley Lake, Calif. one summer in anticipation of a hike through the Sierras. Photo courtesy of Jimmy and Tom Doman and Mark Thompson.

Below, LACo OLS-Paramedic, Joel Gitelson, with his eponymous/righteous mustache

LACo Veteran OL, Gabe Campos, below, with his famed mustache

But of all the mustaches, this effort by Eric Shargo, Ph.d, gets high marks for it's near invisible appearance... Hey Now !

Like Father, Like Son..... well mostly...

Retired LACo OLS, Jimmy Doman, below, who according to Randy Steigely, "has the longest growing (mustache) period... without having a clean bush in 35 years! Can anyone top that ???????"

Below, L2R: LACo Recurrent, Paul Silka, M.D., who it would appear to us to be starting a mustache; either that or he didn't shave in a day; to his right, now retired LACo Capt. Jim "Jake" Jacobson", and at far right in the background, the clean shaven hipster himself, LACo OLS Norton Wisdom

"The Class A Uniform Mustache x 2", Below, L2R: LACo Living Legend OL, Harold "Hal" Dunnigan with a mustache, with LACo OLS Joel Gitelson

Below, LACo Section Chief Lifeguard Ret., Tom Viren, sporting a very nice mustached and goatee

LACO OL, Jim Darling, below, needs a shave or some more time on this stache...

Veteran LACo OL, Tony Whitmore, below, with his exceptional mustache

These two veteran lifeguards, below, need to work on their respective mustaches....

Don't Ask !...

*** And just in from retired Santa Monica City & LACo Recurrent Lifeguard, Ladies Man, Professional Photographer, World Traveler, Surf Fisherman Extraordinaire, Tim Morrissey

Tim says, "I have enjoyed the posts on your blog. I think I have Jimmy Doman beat with 40 years. Still in Palm Beach and wandering the rock. This photo was last month in Hong Kong. All the best to you & The Boys.

Timothy Morrissey"

And three (3) more consecutive photos, courtesy of Shannon Davey, who identifies each of these photos in order, as follows:
Found three more pictures with one being the fairly famous RCO Guards of 1980 with Ted Claire not sporting his famous lip hair, but Dave Graham with his and Mike Patterson to boot.
The other is Ave C Crew with Cliff Hugoboom and Nino Duccini sporting their famous Mo's.
And then the final of Scott Davey when he was commuting to Zuma in the 1970s.
Shannon Davey"

Brian Merrigan, below, sporting an exceptional mustache. Photo source: Scraped from Dave Kastigar's Facebook page. Thanks Dave!)

Below, L2R, L.A. City & LACo Recurrent, Ret., Tim McNulty, and LACo Capt. Ret., Nick Steers. According to Nick, he has had his mustache since February 1971 when "I returned from Nam!"

Below, LACo OL Andrew Czer, observed pedaling his bike to UCLA for a midterm just this past week on San Vicente Blvd in Brentwood. I told him to never forget to wear his bicycle helmet again! 10-4

Below, Veteran LACo OL's, L2R, Ron Pearlman and Bill Dederick with their famed staches.

Below, LACo Central Section OL, Anto Boghokian, sporting a fine mustache. Now shave it off if you haven't already Anto!

Below, L2R: Jay Butki, Tim Gair with facial hair, and Chief Gary Crum with mustache

Below, Retired OLS, Ralph Lee

Below, Capt. Kirk Thomas

and K.T. again, this time with helmet giving instructions to IRB Staff during a late 90's Rookie Swim in Hermosa

"The Two Chiefs"
, L2R: Randy DeGregori and Don Rohrer

Below, OL Steve Hotchkiss, with mustache, Summer of 1987, Santa Monica South

L2R, Sarah Newman, Mike "Newmie" Newman, and Kenner Snyder yamming it up

Below, Summer 1987, the Will Rogers Surfski Crew, with several mustaches on display, posing for this photo after a training ski to and from Topanga for some waves

Below, Ed Vodrazka 2008 at Zuma - with 'stache, and who also reported that, "My wife convinced me to shave it off after 35 years." Our condolences to you and your mustache, Ed!

Just in from our Guatemalan Correspondent and Retired LACo OLS, Bill Asturias, a couple of photos from "back in the day", one of which we have heavily cropped so as not to be accused of posting porn... :-)

And Last But Not Least, below, L2R, Rock Star Retired LACo OLS Guards, Jimmy Doman and Bobby Chavez


That's it so far ! Send us your photos if you want to. We will be sure to give you credit for your contributions to this photo montage of lifeguard mustaches.

note: All photos, except as otherwise indicated, are courtesy of and/or Copyright Will Maguire and used here with permission.

*** Extra Extra ***

I would be remiss if I did not include the photo below which is a personal favorite of mine from the Summer 1987 Santa Monica South Crew's End of Summer Banquet, hosted by LACo OLS Angus Alexander at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Alexander. Angus' dad, Gus, had the quintessential handlebar mustache.

And what a Great Guy he was. A former Marine, Culver City School Administrator and for many, many years the Director of the Summer Day Camp at Pacific Palisades based St. Matthew's Day Camp, which employed the undersigned for four summers before I became a beach lifeguard, and where Angus was a day camper and later a counselor prior to becoming a beach lifeguard.

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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  1. Bone tried to grow a mustache back in the old days at Dockweiler. I remember it had a half-inch gap in the middle which he tried to color in with eyebrow pencil. And "Hollywood" was born.

  2. I was wondering if anyone had the footage of the 1998 swim in Hermosa?
    let me know I'd like to get a copy shoot me an email
