Monday, October 4, 2010

Venice: Summer of 1979... or was it 1980

(Photo courtesy of Peggy Roza-Neville. Used here with permission.)
Back row, John Skorstaad, Bruce Stahl
Front row, Peggy, Kevin Davis, Bradd Schwichtenberg

Per Peggy:

"Hey Will,

I just found this in a"s the End of Summer Party for Venice Guards...1979 or 1980..I think at the Baja Cantina in Venice...John Skorstaad, Bruce Stahl, Bradd Schwichtenberg, Kevin Davis, and me...thought you might enjoy...Peggy

Just in from LACo Recurrent (Ret.), Peggy Roza-Neville, an Absolutely Classic Photo her with three of her fellow Venice recurrent lifeguards from the Summer of 1979, or was it 1980. She can't remember the year but she does remember the Margaritas at Baja Cantina at the Venice Crew's end of summer party.... followed by "rumor has it" some streaking of Venice Beach...

Thanks for sharing this classic photo with all of us, Peggy ! Many colorful stories, not to mention numerous rescues made by each of these four great LACo Recurrent Lifeguards, could and should be told. And we are hopeful here at "County Recurrent" that each of these guards will share with us a story of a rescue they recall from Venice by themselves and one or more of these other guards.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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