Thursday, October 14, 2010

"ADVENTURE", by LACo OLS Brian Murphy

We are pleased to present to you remarks by TEAM USA Competitor and LACo OLS, Brian Murphy, with respect to the recent world lifesaving event held in Egypt.

"ADVENTURE", by Brian Murphy
(Remarks about "Rescue 2010", Alexandria, Egypt)

"I think the this trip can be summed up in one word: adventure. It was an adventure from start to finish. If there is anything we learned as a team, it is to always keep fighting. Fighting cabbies who tried to rip us off. Fighting for decent lodging for 6 hours straight. Fighting officials who DQed us whenever they felt if convenient. Fighting not to kill each other at some stages.

It was a great trip as soon as we dropped all expectations and embraced the adventure. Kinda like the last night when we walked out of the restaurant we'd been waiting at for 2 hours. They brought the food only as we started to get up and leave. We laughed about it all the way back to our quasi-livable apartments with no working shower.

All in all, great adventure. One I will remember for a long long time."



*** Many Thanks to Brian for sharing his remarks about this recent "Adventure" in Egypt. In spite of the challenging circumstances of this venue, the unfortunate housing conditions, and the lack of hospitality at the restaurant on their last evening in Egypt, let us thank Egypt for hosting this International Lifesaving Competition, as well as offering our team the opportunity to overcome these obstacles and to be the stronger for it.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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