Monday, September 27, 2010

Maybe This Will Help Cool Things Off!

Just in from LACo Lifeguard, Cal Porter, some classic shots from "back in the day" just in time to cool us all off during the current heat wave!

From: Cal Porter
Subject: cool off
Date: September 27, 2010 5:31:03 PM PDT
To: Will Maguire

To cool off when my thermometer in the shade hit 100 at the beach in Malibu today, I dragged out these old photos I took on the morning of January 10, 1949 when I arrived for work at S.M. Canyon State Beach for my lifeguard shift.

The photos I took are lousy but that’s a thick blanket of snow across the beach and onto the volleyball court south of the station (above).

The other photo (below) is where you turn up the road into Topanga where the snow was deep enough you couldn’t drive.

Do you feel cooler now? CP

p.s. I forgot to mention, that has never happened again (and probably never before that day either).

p.s.s. Also forgot to mention that several of the guards looked for hills smooth enough to ski on that day and found the best at Palos Verdes where a great time was had and there were photos in the papers. Old timers, Fred Kerwin and Hugh Mulhern were two that went. They lifeguarded for the county in the 30’s and 40’s.

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Many Thanks to Cal ! Fantastic stuff, eh?! I feel cooler already. How about you?


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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1 comment:

  1. That happened again in the late 50s, dumping about six inches of snow at our house on the backside of Topanga near The Corral. The whole valley was white that morning, and we couldn't go anywhere. It took most of the day to melt.
