Friday, July 9, 2010

Uncle Kipper NEEDS YOU !

Just in from Kip Jerger, LACo Veteran Recurrent Lifeguard:

From: kip jerger
Subject: Teaching the blind how to surf
Date: July 8, 2010
To: William Maguire

Kanoaaquatics is a non profit foundation that teaches over 200 inner city and abused kids how to surf yearly through the PS I love you foundation on Saturday, in Manhattan at sixth street from 10:00 am - 3:00 p.m., Saturday July 24th, 2010. Last year we taught over 100 children at Manhattan pier on the biggest south swell of the year. Waves were licking the bottom of the pier.

LACO lifeguard Kip Jerger, with 3 of his Kanoa surf camps instructors and equipment came up with a way to do it with many satisfied children surfers. Thanks to Lifeguard Jeff Horn, for helping Kanoa, and the back up. He and his wife Patti, and 200 volunteers donated their time and effort. Special thanks to the LACO Fire Department Beaches division Lifeguards for all their help. Only one rescue was made at the event that day. Yeh !

Volunteers welcome. Free food T-shirt and loads of fun. Contact Kip at 310-308-7264 or via email to:

Kanoaaquatics has taught the Los Angeles Braille Institute children how to surf and boogie Board for the last 10 years. Some of the hardiest ones actually stand up and ride waves, all the way to shore. Wow what a sight ! This year we will be teaching the blind at 45th. St. in Manhattan Beach, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm., on Sat., July 24, 2010.

*** You do not have to know how to surf to help. Again Volunteers welcome. Contact Kip at 310-308-7264 if you are interested. Thank you.


Kanoa Aquatics
P.O. Box 3582
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

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Date: July 6, 2010 3:31:30 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: 2010 Day At The Beach - Adopt a Child for One Day

Hello Faithful Volunteers and Friends,

P.S. I Love You Foundation's 10th Annual Day at the Beach, Adopt a Child for One Day is Saturday, July 24th.

Come join us and “adopt-a-child” to share a day of healthy interaction, laughter and lots of love! And if you have already signed up as a mentor or staff ~ THANK YOU!! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Day at the Beach is an easy and rewarding one-on-one mentorship day between you and an at-risk child from our surrounding community. We unite 250 at-risk children with 250 wonderful volunteers like you and me to create a healthy interactive mentorship day of love and support.

Event: 10th Annual Day at the Beach, Adopt A Child for One Day
Date: Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Place: Manhattan Beach between 6th and 8th Street on the sand

Our volunteer opportunities fill up quickly and we would love your participation either as a mentor or as part of the beach crew.

Register to Volunteer:

Click on the link on our home page to review and accept the Volunteer Form.

We Need Your Support:
With the growing attendance of this event and the reduction in sponsor support, your financial assistance is needed. A $10 donation will help pay for t-shirts, food and drinks for the day and aid in continuing to make this a very special day for at-risk children.

Any donation will be very much appreciated. Just click on the secure link to


Come see what the day is all about!

Please call Patricia Jones (310) 420-4717 with any questions. We look forward to seeing you soon.

With Love & Kindness,
The P.S. I Love You Foundation Team

P.S. I Love You Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit
dedicated to nurturing at risk children through education and inspirational enrichment programs. Tax ID# 330881944

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Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD or KANOAAQUATICS or THE P.S. I LOVE YOU FOUNDATION.

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