Thursday, July 29, 2010

John Baker at the "Bu

All Photos & Copyright John English 2010. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission. Do not reproduce without consent.

Facebook is an amazing social media tool. Just yesterday, Malibu Local/Photographer/Financial Advisor, John English, posted and tagged some photos he took of (now retired) LACo Lifeguard Captain and Malibu Surfer, John Baker, doing what he does best..... Surfing like a Rock Star and Looking Good.

In fact, no one should look this good while surfing! Mel Solberg has the same bad habit when he competes in Lifeguard Competitions... no one should look that good while competing.

(Photo of Mel Solberg, June 2010, Competing at the Jimmy Miller Foundation Lifeguard Competition. Photo by Will Maguire. Used here with permission and to illustrate our point... :-) )

In any case, Baker makes it look so easy and effortless and we thought that our recurrent readership would love to see one of our own comrades at play in retirement.

But let's not deny the man his well deserved credit... "Talent and Practice" are a powerful combination!

Enjoy !

*** Photo Credit:

All Photos & Copyright John English 2010. All Rights Reserved.
Used here with permission. Do not reproduce without consent.
From John's Facebook Photo Album: "Malibu Boardriders 4"
John English Aloha Wealth Management, CEO
• Financial Advisor to the Surf Community

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Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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