Monday, June 28, 2010

Santa Monica South 2010: Summer of Color

Dateline: Saturday, June 26, 2010
Venue: Santa Monica South
Time: 1500 hrs
Re: Reconnaissance and Photography of Every Santa Monica South Lifeguard Tower featuring their each unique "Summer of Color" Art.

Brought to you by: "County Recurrent" News

Enjoy !

Central Section Lifeguard HQ, below

Our journey to photograph all the towers along Santa Monica South begins at SMS Tower #16, below...

SMS Tower #17, below

SMS Tower #18, below

SMS Tower #20, below

SMS Tower #22, below

SMS Tower #24, below, with its yellow railing

SMS Tower #25, below

Approaching SMS Tower #26, below...

SMS Tower #27, below, and its guard out front on foot patrol with his Rescue Can up in the air so that his colleagues can more easily see him... a spot on, kick ass SMS Guard!

And as we were approaching SMS Tower #27, we literally bumped into retired LACo OLS, Norton Wisdom, who was enjoying a day at the beach with his family, and shown below with his daughter.

Looking back at SMS Tower #26, below

SMS Tower #27, below

SMS Tower #28, below

SMS Tower #29, below. Our turn around point lest we cross the border at Navy St. to Venice North.... and all that that portends.....

Heading back towards the pier now, with SMS Tower #28, below

SMS Tower #27, below

SMS Capt. Kirk Thomas, on stand by with Captain's vehicle at SMS Tower #18, below

OL Chris Newman, below (aka, Son of Newmie)

Capt. Tom Seth, HQ Captain, on duty, below

OLS Harry Varnas, on duty, at Central Section HQ, below

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That completes this trip down Santa Monica South and back.

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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