Friday, April 23, 2010

LACOLA: Evening With Supervisor Zev

Datelline: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7 pm - 11 pm, at the Carousel on the Santa Monica Pier.

It was a good thing this party was planned "INDOORS" because it was frighteningly cold and windy on the Santa Monica Pier during the festivities honoring our County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, hosted by LACOLA.

The event began at 7 pm. The undersigned arrived shortly past 8 pm and was confounded, surprised and elated to be greeted by a "Z" shaped opening in the clouds on the horizon due west and which was backlit by the setting sun! True story! See for yourself!

With that auspicious invitation and acknowledgment from above, the party itself was no disappointment. VIP's, Permanent and Recurrent Lifeguards, and guests were treated to an evening of conversation, food, beverages, an open bar and best of all, an ice cream sundae cart! Just ask Art Verge Senior about the ice cream!... or see for yourself below.

It was Classic! Not just the party itself but Art Senior asking me where was my camera after I had seen him and said hello. I said, it's right here and you asked for it.. Smile!

Another thing I learned this nite is that if you want to make sure that Arthur C. Verge (Junior) shows up to a lifeguard party, which is no longer a given now that he is married.....just promise him a microphone. Don't believe me? See for yourself. Hey Now!

Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky addressed the party guests and thanked the Lifeguards for their many years of unwavering support for him! Zev Rocks!

Capt. Dennis Morales was also in attendance. His locking blade/pocket knife was a bit disturbing until I realized that he was using it to open up a sealed platter of fresh deli sandwiches. Then I had to thank him and tell him what a great guy he was and how talented he is... See for yourself.

Assnt. Chief Phil Topar was in attendance along with LACo recurrent Chuck Locko, Esq., who unsuccessfully tried to hide his identity in the photo below to no avail.
Apparently, Chuck was supposed to be somewhere else and he was concerned this photo might find its way to the internet.... Imagine that !? Ridiculous, indeed!

Chief Mike Frazer was also in attendance, along with retired LACo Lifeguard Chief, Don Rohrer, and retired LACo Lifeguard Capt. Nick Steers, as shown in the photo below.

Immediately after snapping the above photo, Nick kindly snatched my camera and got a shot of me with Chief Rohrer. I was stoked! Thanks again, Nick! Many years ago Don told the story which he repeated at his retirement, that once he got his toes in the sand, his career was set!

We snapped a bunch of other photos of the Lifeguard/Party Revelers in attendance at this event, many of whom you will recognize. See for yourself!

Not the last photo but Lotte did successfully elude the "County Recurrent" Photographer, which you can see for yourself below...

And check out this summer's new USLA red and yellow shoulder/gear bag, in the photo above, that Lotte is toting!... You can have one too if you join or renew your USLA Membership.

Finally, as a bookmark to this picture show we show you the navy blue off duty cotton/poly LACOLA pullover hoodie, available now at your Section HQ, and if not, pester your Section Rep. to order some more. It's a Keeper!

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Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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