Saturday, December 12, 2009

"County Recurrent" Special Bulletin: Nino Duccini Has Been Found !

Dateline: Saturday, Dec. 12, 2009, at approx. 1745 hrs:

Subscribers and readers of the "County Recurrent" blog will recall our previous blog post of Dec. 3, 2009 (below) advising of our effort to locate a retired LACo beach lifeguard, Nino Duccini. Well, Heads Up! File under: Wow! Spike Beck just reported (12.12.09 at 1745 hrs) that he found Nino Duccini ! In Spike's own words: "just got an e-mail back from nino ---sounded great ----maybe you can put out an alert that nino has been found ---alive and well in redding, calif."

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Dateline: December 3, 2009

Where In The World Is "Nino Duccini" !?

(Photo above shows Nino Duccini, in close up, from the 1981 Wieland Shield team photo; Photo source: Buddy Bohn.)


It has been brought to the attention of the editorial staff here at "County Recurrent".... that one of LACo's finest from the past century has gone to ground, as it were, and may be otherwise missing.

Surely, someone must know where the infamous and talented lifeguard athlete, Nino Duccini, is these days ?!.....

Subscribers to the "County Recurrent" blog will most certainly recall our story posted last year on the 1981 Wieland Shield Team which included Nino, and which can still be read and studied for the salacious piece of journalism that it is at:

(Photo source: Buddy Bohn. Nino is seated second from far right and next to Buddy at far right).

Thus, "County Recurrent" is leading the campaign to find Nino and is offering a "Reward". "County Recurrent", as it turns out, as a couple of XXL 2010 Wieland Shield t-shirts left over because a couple of dirtbags who "pledged" to purchase these t-shirts have basically buried their heads in the sand..... but that's another story.

So, the person who comes up with the correct contact information for Nino Duccini is eligible to win said t-shirt and "County Recurrent" will just have to suck it up and take the financial hit, such as it is.

Have you seen this man ?
We are hoping to secure the services of a police sketch artist to do a computer enhanced age enhanced sketch of what Nino might look like today if (a) he maintained his level of fitness; and (b) if he just said, "F*** It!... and let himself go like so many of our LACOLA Permanents and Management Staff..... Hey Now !.......

Please contact the undersigned if you have the correct contact info for Nino.

Thank you for your consideration.

Happy Holidays !

Will Maguire
"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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