Just in yesterday, July 13th, from S.O.L. Harry Varnas, who is also an exceptional photographer:
"Hi Will,
JG instructor and long time guard Eldon Onsgard shows his championship form at the Santa Monica Dory trials last week.

(Photo by Harry Varnas. Used here with permission.)
Photo 604: Jamie Orr, Phillip Loy and Capt Tom Seth discuss dory strategies at Santa Monica 2009.

(Photo by Harry Varnas. Used here with permission.)
Hope you can use the photos.
Thanks Harry ! Spectacular !
And a couple more dory photos, just for the heck of it !
This next one I grabbed off of Facebook where Tony Whitmore had uploaded it so naturally it would look good here as well. Photo Courtesy of Tony Whitmore. Used here with permission.
Photo below shows Dean Tom Katsouleas in the stern and Tony Whitmore in the bow, circa 1981 or '82.

Dory Crew from yesteryear: The Quiz. Can you name these two boaties from way back in the day, circa 1988 or earlier. Don't give it away Steigley !

The next photo is NOT a dory. But the skipper sure's got skills.....
The Dory as Pop Culture: A Boatie T-Shirt from Down Under, March 1986, Courtesy of the undersigned editor of "County Recurrent" News.
And last but not least, the quintessential dory shot with Jake and Dale. Woo Hoo ! Just before this shot was taken, Dale told me he yelled to Jake: "ROW, Jake, ROW !!!"

Until next time.....
Will Maguire,
"County Recurrent" News
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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***
DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.
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