Friday, February 27, 2009

Central Section Photo Op, Summer 1989

Dateline, Summer 1989
Central Section Photo Shoot, aka "A Trip Down Memory Lane"
0700 hrs...

*** All Photos by Will Maguire. Copyright Will Maguire 1989. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without consent is prohibited.

Photo below shows Jackie Burke and Lisa Dial in center on hood of lifeguard rescue vehicle. Standing up at the open vehicle doors from left, Ralph Lee and Will Maguire. Can you recognize the others in the photo ?

This next photo shows what happens when a Ph.d (Contarsy, Steve) walks in front of the camera... Not a Bruin !

Below, left to right, Dave Estey, Mark Verge and Bill Powers !

Some heavy hitters here, left to right: Future Chief, Mike Frazer, Fernando Boiteux, Dan Atkins, Dick Orr, Ralph Lee and Sam Bertolet ! Wow !

Left to right below, Dick Orr, Fernando Boiteux, Mike Frazer and Dan Atkins

The Blond, second from left is the reason I took this photo... but the guys you will recognize from left, Fernando Boiteux, Lane Murphy and Arthur Verge

Just too many of em to identify, but smack dab in the middle with his arms folded is Eric, a seasoned scheduled SMS Recurrent and a Pali High Grad. Go Dolphins !

And Last But Not Least, from left: Bill Powers (in profile), Garth Canning, Paul Henne, Abby Schneider, Lane Murphy and Arthur Verge with his hands full

Until next time...

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