Monday, February 23, 2009

"Bonedog Millionaire" Sweeps The Squeegees !...

(Jake, at right, and Bone, celebrating the Squeegee Sweep by "Bonedog Millionaire", with Jake taking the call from the Academy with the head's up regarding said victory. Photo and Copyright Will Maguire 2008. Used here with permission. Reproduction without consent is prohibited.)

Dateline: Los Angeles, Calif. USA

""Bonedog Millionaire" Sweeps The Squeegees ! A Parody."

Actually, the Title of this Blog Post at the top is misleading. Completely, as a matter of fact. The headline is simply a send-up or parody of last nite's Academy Awards Most Celebrated Film, "Slumdog Millionaire".

Some of you are still perhaps wondering who then is Bonedog Millionaire"?

Think Baywatch and I don't mean the LACo rescue boats.

(Photo shows Chief Mike Frazer, Greg "Bone" Bonann and Jimmy Doman at the Invitation Only Private Screening of "Bonedog Millionaire" in Sept. '08 at Central Section HQ. Note: Recurrent Ron Pearlman working the door in the background. Photo and Copyright Will Maguire 2008. Used here with permission. Reproduction without consent is prohibited).

(Photo shows left to right: Ron Pearlman, Bone, and Tommy Olsen at the Annual Johnny Joseph Scholarship Dinner at Rusty's on the Santa Monica Pier, June '08, which Bonedog crashed and was hyping his film. Photo-Copyright Will Maguire 2008. All Rights Reserved. Used here with permission. Reproduction without consent is prohibited).

Until next time...

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