Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What's Big, Red and Beachin' ?

Dateline: Dec. 2, 2008

Attn: County Recurrents

Re: L.A. County Lifeguards New Custom Dive Team Truck

That's the answer to the question.

Check out this Big "Red" Bad Boy ! The specifications, briefly stated, are as follows:
Description: 2007 Ford F550 Crew Cab Lariet 4X4, power stroke diesel. It's Brand Spanking New ! Custom designed by our very own LACo Lifeguard Dive Team. It's taken since it's delivery to complete. In the photo above, it sits in its alpha parking spot at Central Section HQ, although it's tactical positioning is dependent on diving locations. Per Section Chief Scott Davey, it is also fully outfitted to meet the Department's dive team needs. Many thanks to Chief Davey for his comments. Last but not least, word has it that our Dive Team and Chiefs are very stoked and proud of this "Dive 1" Dive Team Truck.

Until next time,

"County Recurrent" News

Keeping you, the County Recurrent, in the loop !

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